This application is not part of the Siemens-Websites or the Siemens-Intranet.

Siemens AG

Tell Us – If You Believe Something Is Not Right



  • Suspected or actual violations of law or company policy,
  • at Siemens or in our Supply Chain,
  • whether you are a Siemens employee or not.

We will

  • Provide feedback while protecting the confidentiality of all involved,
  • protect you from mistreatment or retaliation, and
  • treat your report confidentially to the maximum extent.

You help us

  • Do the right thing and
  • identify improper conduct.

For reports concerning Siemens Healthineers, Siemens Gamesa or Siemens Energy, please use their reporting systems.

Thank you for your trust and support!

Tell Us is not an emergency service! Do not use it to report an immediate threat to life, health or property since it is not designed to receive such information. If necessary, inform the authorities or the internal security department.

Does Siemens have corporate-wide rules of procedure?
Who can submit complaints and reports?
What can I report?
Do I have various options for submitting complaints or reports?
How do I submit a complaint or report and set up a Tell Us postbox?
Who will take care of my complaint or report?
Will the company keep my identity confidential?
Can I report anonymously in Tell Us and still receive feedback or discuss the complaint?
Will I be informed that my complaint or report is being processed?
Will all complaints and reports be processed?
What happens to my complaint or report once it has been examined?
Are there rules in place for fact-finding?
Am I protected as whistleblower?