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If you see something – say something.
Springer Nature is committed to acting in accordance with the laws and regulations which apply to our business – wherever in the world we may operate – and with internationally accepted standards of responsible business conduct.
Employees or business partners (including authors, suppliers, editors, customers etc.) who wish to ask questions, seek advice or have a concern about the way Springer Nature is operating may do so in a variety of ways – preferably directly (i.e. with direct supervisor, local Managing Director, Human Resources Director, Legal Department or Compliance Staff). Alternatively, you can use this system provided by EQS Group AG to reach us. Under no circumstances, however you choose to raise a question or concern, will Springer Nature tolerate retaliation against someone who raises a concern in good faith.
Preservation of Confidentiality
Springer Nature has provided the Speak-Up system to encourage frank disclosure of issues. We recognize that it takes courage to raise a concern and that you may wish some aspects of your report to remain confidential. We may need to share your report with others to investigate and deal with the issues that you raise, so if there is any information that you need us to keep completely confidential, please mark this clearly in your report.
For more information about how your report will be dealt with, please see the FAQ section on the left hand side of this page.
If you use the anonymous reporting function please make sure you open a “Postbox”.
Springer Nature encourages you to give your name. However, if you feel you need to be anonymous then please make sure you open a “Postbox” so that we can contact you if we have any questions about your report and to give you feedback about how it has been resolved. If you choose to make your report anonymously the BKMS® System will protect your anonymity.