Wiener ArbeitnehmerInnen Förderungsfonds

The waff whistleblowing system

The waff whistleblowing system makes it possible to submit anonymous reports about potential violations of statutory provisions or internal regulations or cases in which corruption is suspected in a confidential and encrypted manner online. It is aimed at all employees, business partners, customers and stakeholders of waff.

The web-based whistleblowing platform used by waff is a reliable system which has been certified by independent bodies (ISO 27001 and European Privacy Seal). You can submit reports anonymously with the option of setting up an anonymous postbox at the end of the report to enable you to actively contribute to clarifying the case.

Are you aware of any malpractice, violations of the law or violations of internal regulations at waff? You can submit reports (anonymously) on this whistleblowing platform. All reports are handled strictly confidentially.

Thank you for your cooperation!

What is the whistleblowing system in waff used for?
Who is this platform aimed at and why should I submit a report?
What information can I report?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
Will I receive information and feedback on the processing of my report?
How do I remain anonymous and how will my data be protected?