LKA-BW Islamistischer Terror
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Help us fight back against Islamic extremism!

Freedom of religion is anchored in our constitution and is widely regarded in the free democratic system we have in the Federal Republic of Germany. Texts in the Quran interpreted in extreme form, which justify the use of violence against followers of other religions, can pose a major danger for both our people and our state.

If you have any information about serious crimes or if you are aware of Islamic extremist structures in Baden-Württemberg, do not hesitate to provide us with information using the whistleblower system (BKMS® System) specially set up for this purpose – you can do so anonymously if you prefer.

Please note that this is a service provided by the Baden-Württemberg Police, which has been set up exclusively for information about politically motivated crimes located in the state of Baden-Württemberg. You will find information portals for other states at under Contact, Online Monitor.

Please use the online monitor service for submitting information relating to other crimes or other extremist activities ( or make a report in person at any police station.


In an emergency or if you are in danger, please dial 110. The information received here is only viewed during normal office hours.

Why should I submit a report?
What is the process for submitting a report? What is a postbox and how do I set up one?
What reports can I submit?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
How can I guarantee CONFIDENTIALITY?