Santander Consumer Bank AG

Is something not quite right?

Santander Consumer Bank AG has an excellent reputation in the financial services sector and is one of the leading banks in Germany. The intention is to remain this way. However, the risk of breaching laws, supervisory principles and internal guidelines is increasing continuously due to the surrounding guidelines and regulations which are becoming more and more complex. Furthermore, fraudulent practices are becoming more and more sophisticated and difficult to uncover. Recently a number of white-collar crime cases have become public - also in Germany.
This could have a serious impact for the bank which could firstly result in a loss of reputation and secondly in material losses. In extreme cases, this could jeopardize the very existence of our bank, and therefore your workplace as well.

We rely on the fact that you will help us and inform us in good time if "something's not quite right" or "things shouldn't be this way". For this reason, we are making the standardised and anonymously-usable BKMS® System (Business Keeper Monitoring System) available to you as a further reporting system. This system is a data protection-certified and Internet-based communication platform which enables you to report any actions which could damage the company - at any time and from any location - whilst keeping your anonymity, in good faith and without fear of repression. The reports in the BKMS® System are guaranteed to be technically impossible to trace, which means that complete anonymity of the whistleblower is guaranteed in every case.

We would ask you to set up your own anonymous postbox at the end of the reporting process and to use it. This enables you to start a dialogue with us and therefore to actively participate if further clarification is needed without having to lose your anonymity.

We provide you with five key areas:

  1. criminal offences
  2. structural or organisational abuse
  3. other supervisory or legal infringements
  4. violations against the “Allgemeiner Verhaltenskodex“ (OA075)
  5. violations of human rights or environmental risks (against LkSG).

Please note that the system may only be used to provide reports on actions which could result in or have already resulted in damages to Santander Consumer Bank AG, Santander Consumer Leasing GmbH, Santander Consumer Holding GmbH, Santander Consumer Operations Services GmbH or Santander Consumer Technology Services GmbH.

Whistleblowing may at no time be used to intentionally submit incorrect, defamatory or malicious reports. Information which is intended to denounce other persons or to defame them against better judgement are inappropriate and not wanted. They represent serious wrongdoings and can be prosecuted.

If you would like to report your information to an external reporting office, we would like to refer you to the reporting office of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). You can reach this under the following link:

We are counting on you and thank you for your support.

The Board of Management

Why should I submit a report?
What sort of reports will help your organisation?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How can I receive feedback and still remain anonymous?
General Code of Conduct
Corporate Behaviours