Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG

The “Phoenix Contact” whistleblowing system

In our business relations we rely on cooperative and trustful interaction as a basis for a successful continued partnership. Compliance with legal, social and corporate rules is the highest priority for Phoenix Contact. We expect not only our employees but also our business partners to adhere to these standards. Our understanding of the guiding principle of the Phoenix Contact-Group is incorporated in our Code of Conduct.

Perhaps you are aware of damaging behaviour or risks that endanger the company. Your reports allow us to counteract malpractice, violations and hazards to our business activities at an early stage in order to prevent or, at least, limit damage to our company, employees and business partners, thus ensuring the lasting success of our company and continued existence of the jobs it provides.

We have established this channel of communication to facilitate the submission of reports about suspected or potential violations of legal or internal regulations. We welcome reports submitted not only by our employees but also our customers, suppliers and other third parties.

Thank you for your support!

Why should I submit a report?
What sort of reports will help your organisation?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
What is the process for submitting a report using a postbox?