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Vaillant GmbH

Ensuring compliance and integrity together – with your support!

Compliance refers to trustworthy behaviour in line with the law and the internal rules we set for ourselves.

At Vaillant Group, we strive to act in accordance with these. As such, Compliance is part of our Corporate Culture, reflected by the term "Integrity" being one of our 3 core corporate values. Furthermore, respecting human rights is a fundamental part of our corporate ethos. Learn more about our Corporate values:

Compliance, i.e. adherence to legal requirements and company regulations, is an essential part of integrity. Through employees, suppliers and customers adhering to such principles, we can avoid breaches of internal rules and laws and can therefore help to avoid damages, liability risks and negative reputation.

With the Digital Whistleblowing System, you can report misconducts, also anonymously if you wish, at any time.

Examples of potential violations to report:

  • Corruption, such as acceptance/provision of inappropriate and/or unjustified benefits
  • Anti-competitive behaviour, such as collusion and disclosure of information relevant to competition
  • Fraud/Embezzlement
  • Data protection breaches
  • Conflict of interests
  • Violations related to tax regulations
  • Money laundering
  • Discrimination/Harassment
  • Violation related to Social Compliance – meaning environmental and human/labour rights matters
  • Violations against Export control regulations and sanction lists.

Whistleblowers are protected according to any applicable statutory law. No sanctions will be imposed against persons who report in good faith. Reports are treated with confidentiality. Take a look at the FAQs on this site for further information. The system may not be used to provide knowingly false or slanderous notifications or information.

The reports are handled and protected by the Compliance Department. During the report entry process, you have the option of deciding whether your report should be forwarded to a local compliance department or to the Group's central compliance department. Applicable rules of procedure, especially for cases related to German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, you can learn at start of the reporting process and before submitting any report.

With your help, we can counteract any violations at an early stage and reduce the risks for Vaillant Group, our employees and our business partners. Our common goal is to promote Integrity at Vaillant.

Please help Vaillant Group to observe rules and laws and uphold the trust that our business partners and employees place in us.

Please note: if you encounter product related issues such as malfunctions and require services or support, please contact the Customer Service.

Why should I submit a report?
What sort of reports will help your organisation?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?